Without colds through the winter

Flu and pollen free thanks to nasal wash

How a saline solution flushes viruses, allergies and even colds out of the body.

What for some is the cool wet in the morning, for others is the refreshing and soothing moment of a lukewarm nasal wash. This is about how many reports of diligent nasal wash users often begin. The practical thing is that while both practices wake you up in the morning, the neti pot has a few more advantages. Because not only the olfactory organ feels free, but also the allergies in summer and especially the colds in winter are detected by this simple practice of the Gar.

This article therefore deals exactly with this topic and takes a look behind the medical scenes of this traditional cleaning method. He will find out why neti pots can actually be so effective and how their use can be integrated into everyday life.

Neti pots - More than a placebo effect?

The nasal wash is not a new invention. Not to mention a fad. Even the entire field of Indian-influenced Ayurveda, as well as the yogi tradition, swears by the morning refreshment cure. But of course one would like to know if there is any evidence for the effectiveness of nasal rinsing. And whether the assertion that the nasal rinsing really cleanses pathogens or allergy triggers has already been proven.

In order to do exactly this, the GEK health insurance company in cooperation with the medical university in Hanover compared some years ago approx. 3000 people with daily nasal rinsing over a long period of one to two years with a control group.[1] The result was convincing.

In almost all diseases and impairments in the upper respiratory tract, more than half of the test subjects reported significant improvements. However, this fact is particularly astonishing: If one looked at the group of people who had to access medication before taking a nasal shower, one could see that even the intake of medication by these people decreased by approx. 47%.

But the test did not stop there. The physicians also examined the effectiveness again with a placebo experiment, i.e. an experiment in which the participants were only presented with a kind of dummy in the form of a vitamin pill as a remedy. Also here it turned out that more than half of the nasal wash "testers" went much less to the physician and complaints concerning blocked nose, dry mucous membranes, paranasal sinus infections or dust and pollen allergy symptoms clearly decreased.

Even though such results should of course be taken with caution, since everyone can react differently to the nasal wash and the existing nasal and mucous membrane problems are not always the same, the following assumption is confirmed by these studies: A neti pot can make life (and breathing) much easier. The well-known natural Ayurveda medicine goes even further. For them, this method, called "Jala Neti" in traditional circles, is one of the six most important cleansing pillars of all.

The effect in detail

The impression is not misleading: Basically, nasal rinsing is an old traditional household remedy, which has received increasing attention in the medical field and studies over time. The question that arises: Why can a tiny short rinse with salt solution have such effects? This requires an understanding of how nasal rinsing works specifically in the body and what constitutes the actual cleansing mechanism.

A short practical rule customer in advance: During nasal rinsing, the nose is flooded with a saline solution comprising approx. 200-300ml. It is important that special mineralized nasal rinsing salt is actually used. Experiments with table salt should be avoided, as these salts often contain separating agents, additives or insoluble coarse grains. By using the special nasal salt solution, impurities as well as the protection of the mucous membrane can be prevented. The water can be found in traditional nasal cans. Or you can use a special - usually very inexpensive - nose set, which is already equipped with a comfortable and thin nose attachment. Now the head is turned slightly downwards and to one side. Breathing is done through the open mouth. Now the actual rinsing takes place by releasing the water into the nasal canals. Through the slightly bent position of the head, the water runs from one upper hole to the other lower hole and the nasal passages are completely cleaned.

If you look at the way the nasal mucus works, you will see why nasal rinsing can work so well in the way described. The nasal mucous membrane ensures that the nasal mucous is well transported in a thin layer, protects the skin underneath and is also responsible for ensuring that we inhale pure air. To put it mildly, we can smell good. Now this mechanism is no longer taken for granted in today's environment.

Viruses and bacteria can change the composition of the thin mucous membrane and dirt and pollen particles can literally become obstacles in this mucous membrane. The result: the nose is blocked and the risk of inflammation and bacterial stress increases, as the nasal mucus can no longer be removed properly and quickly enough.

This is exactly where nasal rinsing works wonders for many people. It can flush the excessive bacteria, viruses and dirt (or allergy) particles out of the cilia and prevents unpleasant consequences. But there is also another good reason for nasal rinsing.

Because the natural moisture of the nasal mucous membrane is over 90%. Nowadays this mucous membrane has a lot to do with head wind. This metaphorical headwind manifests itself in the form of dry rooms, operations or polluted city air. Through the rinsing as such, but especially the mineralized solution, the mucous membrane can retain its moisture and thus form a good foundation that the associated nasal mucus flows off well.


If you want to draw a conclusion about nasal rinsing, it is advisable to observe a basic medical maxim. It says that a necessary benefit should be clearly ahead of the risk, so that while the benefit should be great, the risk of significant side effects should be significantly low. This principle fits perfectly with the traditional nasal rinsing method described above.

People who almost always have a free nose and very rarely catch cold, especially in winter, certainly do not have the highest motivation to clean their nose daily. But all other people, i.e. those who are plagued with a blocked nose, sinusitis, dry mucous membranes, dirt and pollen pollution and a "heavy" head, can only benefit from nasal rinsing. This is indicated by the easy and inexpensive application of the method. And for it also speaks that the study situation as well as the innumerable empirical reports in the last years are almost exclusively positive.

YogaMedic nasal wash

For cleaning the nasal mucous membranes of pollen and allergies.

The nasal wash set by YogiMedic has a patented valve system and cleans your nose literally at the touch of a button in seconds. It is suitable for the whole family. Because you get 3 attachments in addition to the really easy to use flush. 2 for adults and 1 for children. In addition, you receive 30x certified nasal rinsing salt dosed and packaged.


[1] https://www.deutsche-apotheker-zeitung.de/daz-az/2004/daz-7-2004/uid-11444